关于「 omni」的内容列表

1. Hangzhou computing power resource scheduling service platform was officially released. 2. Alibaba launched AI emotion recognition model R1-Omni....

1. Hangzhou hash resource scheduling service platform officially released. 2. Alibaba launched AI emotion recognition model R1-Omni. 3. Google DeepMind launched AI model for robots. 4. OpenAI calls on the United States to relax copyright restrictions and freely use copyright protection materials to train AI to stimulate innovation. 5. OpenAI Operator is now open to Pro users in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. 6. Giant Network releases the industry's first Deep...

2025-03-14 03:57:36
1. 杭州市算力资源调度服务平台正式发布。2. 阿里巴巴推出AI情感识别模型R1-Omni。...

1. 杭州市算力资源调度服务平台正式发布。2. 阿里巴巴推出AI情感识别模型R1-Omni。3. 谷歌DeepMind推出用于机器人的AI模型。4. OpenAI呼吁美国放宽版权限制,自由使用版权保护材料训练AI激发创新力。5. OpenAI Operator现已向欧盟、瑞士、挪威、列支敦士登和冰岛的Pro用户开放。6. 巨人网络发布行业首个DeepSeek原生游戏玩法。7. 英媒:DeepSeek上月收入首次覆盖运营成本,公司无意利用短期热度加速商业化。8. 智元机器人与阶跃星辰战略合作,共探具身智能与大模型融合。9. 通用具身智能平台“慧思开物”在京发布。10. 中关村科金发布得助大模型平台2.5与得助智能客服4.0。11. 阻击非法证券活动与AI诈骗,券商维护投资者权益在行动。12. 苹果、微软等科技公司被要求提供AI模型及言论审查相关信息。13. 美国科技巨头大力研发人形机器人,高盛预测:人形机器人市场规模或超1500亿美元。

2025-03-14 03:57:36
Omni Network will launch a private mainnet next week

Omni Network, an interoperability agreement, said in a post on social media that it would launch a private mainnet next week.

2024-11-29 10:35:26
Omni Network将于下周推出私有主网

互操作性协议 Omni Network 在社交媒体上发文表示,其将于下周推出私有主网。

2024-11-29 10:35:26
Improbable to Launch Somnia Blockchain DevNet Phase

Anyside development company Improbable will launch the DevNet phase of the Somnia blockchain. Officials say the blockchain will process over 400,000 transactions per second (TPS), has sub-second latency and low fees, and is compatible with the Ethereum EVM.

2024-10-25 07:19:10


2024-10-25 07:19:10
CKBTC will be integrated into the Cosmos ecosystem through Osmosis

Osmosis is partnering with the Omnity Network established by the ICP, and ckBTC will be connected to the Cosmos ecosystem through Osmosis. In April, the DFINITY Foundation on Monday announced the launch of ckBTC, a liquid and cost-effective "twin" token backed 1:1 by Bitcoin.

2024-09-19 12:35:24

Osmosis 正在与 ICP 建立的 Omnity Network 合作,ckBTC 将通过 Osmosis 接入 Cosmos 生态系统。今年四月,DFINITY 基金会周一宣布互联网计算机(Internet Computer)推出 ckBTC,这是一种流动性强、成本效益高的“孪生”代币,以比特币 1:1 提供支持。

2024-09-19 12:35:24
LeverFi: OmniZK testnet is live

On-chain leveraged trading protocol LeverFi posted on X that the OmniZK testnet has been launched. It represents a step closer to a new era of scalability and security.

2024-07-18 02:07:16


2024-07-18 02:07:16
Omni Network Launches Streams Feature

On July 10th, the Ethereum interoperability protocol Omni Network on the X platform said that a new feature called Streams has been launched to meet the market demand for faster and more flexible messaging options. With Streams, developers can now choose to send their XMsgs in two different modes: fast mode and finalization mode. This flexibility allows for the optimization of transaction processing according to the specific needs of the application. By providing these two options, Om...

2024-07-10 13:48:33
Omni Network推出Streams功能

7月10日消息,以太坊互操作性协议Omni Network在X平台表示,现已推出名为Streams新功能,以满足市场对更快、更灵活的消息传递选项的需求。借助Streams,开发人员现在可以选择以两种不同模式发送他们的XMsgs:快速模式和最终化模式。这种灵活性可以根据应用程序的具体需求优化事务处理。通过提供这两种选项,Om...

2024-07-10 13:48:33
Omni Network Announces Airdrop of ETHFI and ALT to OMNI Creation Pledgers

On July 1st, Omni Network, the Ethereum interoperability protocol, announced that OMNI creation pledgers need to be ready to apply for ETHFI and ALT airdrops.

2024-07-01 13:10:25
Omni Network宣布将向OMNI创世质押者空投ETHFI与ALT

7月1日消息,以太坊互操作性协议 Omni Network 宣布,OMNI 创世质押者需准备好申领 ETHFI 和 ALT 空投。

2024-07-01 13:10:25
LeverFi: OmniZK development network will be upgraded to test network on June 18

On June 6, LeverFi announced that the OmniZK development network will be upgraded to a testnet on June 18, 2024 to support the growth and development of BTC DeFi.

2024-06-06 14:18:39

7x24 快讯

15:17 2025-03-25
14:44 2025-03-25
14:41 2025-03-25
14:16 2025-03-25
MIM Spell:愿为黑客提供被盗资金总额的20%作为赏金
MIM Spell在X平台发文称,核心贡献者和安全工程师正在深入调查该问题,并将尽快提供更多信息,每个 gmCauldron 在发布前都经过全面审计,与 GMX 核心合约使用了相同的审计者,gmCauldrons 也集成在 Abracadabra Security 基础设施的其余部分中,本次是在攻击者执行了多笔交易后,漏洞才被发现,目前已关闭了所有 cauldrons 的借贷并在评估此次攻击造成的全部损失。 M...
14:07 2025-03-25
美股上市公司 KULR 宣布以每枚 88,824 美元的价格额外购入 56.3 个 BTC,使其总持有量达到 668.3 枚。该公司的比特币储备总计花费约 6,500 万美元,平均每枚价格为 97,305 美元。
14:07 2025-03-25
芝商所拟利用Google Cloud测试数字资产基础设施以简化结算和清算
芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)正在与谷歌云Google Cloud合作探索代币化,旨在通过使用 Google Cloud Universal Ledger 进行资产标记化提高资本市场的效率,两家公司计划在今年晚些时候开始与市场参与者进行直接测试,并计划在 2026 年推出新服务。
13:49 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,GMGN 联创 Haze 宣布网站安全更新,提升提款安全性。具体措施包括: 1.提币渠道调整,关闭 TG Bot 提币入口,仅支持 Web 端操作,并新增 Tron 链提款支持; 2.白名单地址管控,仅允许向已生效的白名单地址转账,提币结果及白名单更新通过登录 Bot 自动推送; 3.安全升级,提币新增谷歌二次验证(2FA),白名单地址的添加与编辑均需通过 2FA 验证。
13:31 2025-03-25
疑似Arrington Capital地址收到500万枚PARTI
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,除 Flow Traders 外,疑似Arrington Capital地址(Arkham标记显示)也从项目方合约地址处收到500万枚PARTI,占流通代币的2.14%,截至目前已将所有代币充值进了交易所。
13:31 2025-03-25
美股三大股指集体高开 特朗普媒体科技集团开涨近8%
美股开盘,道指涨0.12%,标普500指数涨0.14%,纳指涨0.11%。特朗普媒体科技集团(DJT.O)开涨近8%,其与Crypto.com合作推出ETF。明星科技股多数高开,特斯拉(TSLA.O)、Meta Platforms(META.O)涨近1.5%。
13:28 2025-03-25
据链上数据,Circle 刚刚在 Solana 网络上增发 2.5 亿枚 USDC。
13:13 2025-03-25
13:13 2025-03-25
以太坊链上预言机服务Chronicle完成1200万美元种子轮融资,Strobe领投, Brevan Howard、6th Man Ventures等参投,新资金拟用于支持其为代币化资产的数据基础设施提供服务。